Martyn Family History

Scott H. Martyn
Glen Ellyn, IL  60137
Please type this address in your email program to contact me

Eafa AETHELING of Wessex [7138]
(Abt 732-Abt 790)
Alchilda Ealdgyth of Northumbria [7139]
King Æthelbert II of Kent [7144]
(Bef 725-762)
Desconhecida [7145]
(Abt 725-)
Ealhmund of Kent [7136]
Edgythe ALBURGA of Kent Aetherbert [7137]
Heluna BLEJA Ellusdotter England [7141]


Family Links

Heluna BLEJA Ellusdotter England [7141] 1692

  • Born: 772, England 1692
  • Died: , , , Denmark 1692

   FamilySearch ID: GLV7-BSC.