Martyn Family History

Scott H. Martyn
Glen Ellyn, IL  60137
Please type this address in your email program to contact me

Hardouin DU MAINE [7643]
Warimburge DE POITIER [7644]
(-After 859)
(Abt 1823-)
Roger DU MAINE [7637]
(Abt 845-)
Roger DU MAINE [7631]


Family Links

1. Rothilde [7632]

Roger DU MAINE [7631] 1802

  • Born: 865, Maine-et-Loire, Pays de la Loire, France 1802
  • Marriage (1): Rothilde [7632]
  • Died: 31 October 900, Seine-Maritime, Upper Normandy, France at age 35 1802
  • Buried: 901, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Upper Normandy, France 1802

   FamilySearch ID: GQP1-CYV.

  General Notes:

Comtes du Maine

ROGER [Rotger] ([855/65]-before I Nov 900). His birth date range is estimated from the estimated date of his marriage which, assuming that his wife's origin is correctly shown below, must be reasonably accurate. Abbo names "Rotgaire, comte et neveu de Hugues" as one of the supporters of "Hugues…prince et gouverneur de Bourges" in his war against Guillaume "le Pieux" Comte d´Auvergne, dated to 889 from the context[79]. Comte du Maine 897. The Actus pontificum Cenomannis records the attacks on the bishopric of Le Mans by "Rotgario", while Gunherius was bishop (from 890 to 913)[80]. His marriage, and the appointment of his rival Gauslin by the Capet family (see above), indicate that Roger must have been a Carolingian supporter. His date of death is estimated based on the charter dated 1 Nov 900 which names his presumed son and widow (see below). m ([890]%29 ROTHILDIS, daughter of Emperor CHARLES II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks & his second wife Richildis [de Provence] ([871]-[928/29]). Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks confirmed donations of property "in comitatu quoque Cœnomannico" made by "Hugo comes et mater sua Rothildis", at the request of "genitrix nostra Adeleidis et…comes Hugo consanguineus, necnon et…comes Ecfridus" by charter dated 1 Nov 900[81]. The charter dated 929 subscribed by "Hugonis comitis filii Rotgerii comitis" suggests that Rothildis must have been the wife of Roger[82]. Flodoard names "Rothildis, amitæ suæ [regis Karoli], socrus autem Hugonis" when recording that the king deprived her of "abbatiam…Golam" [Chelles] in favour of his favourite Haganon, the context dictating that "Hugonis" was "Hugo filius Rotberti"[83]. As the paternal aunt of King Charles III, chronology determines that she must have been the daughter of her father's second marriage, although no source has yet been identified which confirms that this is correct. She acquired the monasteries of Chelles, and Notre-Dame and Saint-Jean at Laon. She retreated to Chelles in 922 but was deprived of the monastery by her nephew Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in favour of his favourite Haganon, an event which led to the rebellion of Robert Marquis en Neustrie who was the father of Rothildis's son-in-law (Hugues, later "le Grand" Duc des Francs)[84]. Her death is dated to [late 928/early 929] as Flodoard names "Rothildis…nuper defunctæ" when recording that "Heribertus et Hugo comites" (specifying that "Hugo" was "gener ipsius Rothildis") attacked "Bosonem Rodulfi regis frater" in 929 over the property of Rothildis[85]. Comte Rotger & his wife had two children:

Immediate Family:
Son of Helgaud de Ponthieu, comte de Montreuil and Helissende de Ponthieu
Husband of Rothilde of the Franks
Father of Hugues I, Comte du Maine; Judith du Maine and Richilde de Vermandois, I
Brother of Herluin II, count of Ponthieu; Évard I de Ponthieu, seigneur de Ham; Gisla de Ponthieu; Hildegard de Ponthieu and Blance de Ponthieu

i) HUGUES [I] du Maine ([890]-[26 Mar 931/Sep 960]). Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks confirmed donations of property "in comitatu quoque Cœnomannico" made by "Hugo comes et mater sua Rothildis", at the request of "genitrix nostra Adeleidis et…comes Hugo consanguineus, necnon et…comes Ecfridus" by charter dated 1 Nov 900[86]. This presumably indicates that Hugues's father was already dead at the time, and that Hugues himself was still a minor under the guardianship of his mother. If his mother's origin is correctly identified as shown above, Hugues could have been no more than ten years old at the time. It is assumed that "comes Hugo consanguineus" and "Hugo comes…" named in this charter were the same person, although this is not beyond all doubt. If it is correct, the consanguinity would have been through Hugues's mother who was King Charles's paternal aunt as shown above. He succeeded his father in [900] as Comte du Maine. His parentage is further confirmed by the charter dated 3 May 929 under which Hugues, future duc des Francs, returned property to Saint-Martin de Tours, subscribed by "Hugonis comitis filii Rotgerii comitis"[87]. Flodoard records that in 924 Raoul King of France granted Maine to "Hugoni filio Rotberti"[88] who, as noted below, was married to the sister of Hugues [I] Comte du Maine. It is not known whether this grant resulted in Comte Hugues [I] being temporarily dispossessed, or whether the appointment amounted to replacing Hugues (future Duc des Francs) as suzerain over Maine instead of the king. The latter is more probable as Comte Hugues [I] subscribed the charter of [Duc] Hugues dated 929, which indicates a continuing relationship between the two. ["Willelmi comitis, Hugoni comitis, item Hugoni, Savarici vicecomitis, Kadeloni vicecomitis, Adraldi vicecomitis, Radulfi vicecomitis…" subscribed the charter dated [936/37] ("anno I Ludovico regnante") under which "Senegundis" donated "alodem suum in pago Alienense, in vicaria Basiacinse in villa…Fornax…" to St Cyprien, Poitiers[89]. Settipani suggests that "Hugonis comitis" can reasonably identified as Hugues [I] Comte du Maine[90].] "Hugonis ducis, filiorum eius Othonis et Hugonis, Odonis comitis, Hugonis comitis Cenomannorum, Hervei comitis Mauritaniæ, Lamberti vicecomitis" subscribed the charter dated 25 Jun 954 under which "Lambertus filius Ansberti cum Girberga sorore mea…" donated property "in territorio Corbonensi" to Chartres Saint-Père[91]. "Teutbaldi comitis, Teutbaldi junioris, Gausfredi comitis, Hugonis comitis Cenomannorum…" subscribed the charter dated Sep 960 under which "Aremburgis" donated property to Saint-Florent de Saumur[92]. "Hugonis comitis Cenomannorum" in these two documents could either refer to Hugues [I] or Hugues [II]. m ---. The name of Hugues´s wife is not known. Hugues [I] & his wife had [one possible child]:

(a) [HUGUES (-after [936/37]). "Willelmi comitis, Hugoni comitis, item Hugoni, Savarici vicecomitis, Kadeloni vicecomitis, Adraldi vicecomitis, Radulfi vicecomitis…" subscribed the charter dated [936/37] ("anno I Ludovico regnante") under which "Senegundis" donated "alodem suum in pago Alienense, in vicaria Basiacinse in villa…Fornax…" to St Cyprien, Poitiers[93]. If, as noted above, Settipani is correct in suggesting that "Hugonis comitis" in the list of subscribers in this charter can reasonably identified as Hugues [I] Comte du Maine[94], it is possible that "item Hugoni" was his son or other close relative. If this is correct, the chronology suggests that he may have been the same person as [David/Hugues] du Maine who is shown below.]

ii) [JUDITH] du Maine ([before 900]-925). The marriage of Hugues Comte de Paris with the daughter of Roger Comte du Maine is deduced from Flodoard naming "Rothildis, amitæ suæ [regis Karoli], socrus autem Hugonis" when recording that the king deprived Rothilde of "abbatiam…Golam" [Chelles] in favour of his favourite Hagano, the context dictating that "Hugonis" was "Hugo filius Rotberti"[95]. The source which names her father has not yet been identified, but it appears reasonably certain from the sources quoted above that Rothilde's husband was Roger. She is named Judith in Europäische Stammtafeln[96], but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. According to Settipani her name is not known[97]. m ([914]%29 as his first wife, HUGUES, son of ROBERT Marquis en Neustrie, Comte de Paris [later ROBERT I King of France] & his second wife Béatrix de Vermandois [Carolingian] ([898]-Dourdan, Essonne Jun 956, bur Saint-Denis). He was installed as HUGUES "le Grand" Duc des Francs in 936.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. He served in the military on 31 October 900: Killed in Battle of Fauquemberges. 1803

2. Title Of Nobility: Count of Maine, on an unknown date,. 1803

Roger married Rothilde [7632] [MRIN: 5701], daughter of Charles II 'le Chauve' Empereur d'Occident [7641] and Richilde D'ARDENNES Reine des Francs [7642]. (Rothilde [7632] was born in 871 in Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany 1802, christened in Carolingian,1802 died on 22 March 927 in Chelles, Seine-Et-Marne, Île-De-France, France 1802 and was buried in 927 in Chelles, Seine-Et-Marne, Île-De-France, France 1802.)