Martyn Family History

Scott H. Martyn
Glen Ellyn, IL  60137
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Hugues CAPET roi des Francs [7746]
Adélaïde D'AQUITAINE reine des Francs [7747]
Robert II CAPET King of France [7744]


Family Links

1. Constance OF ARLSE [7745]

Robert II CAPET King of France [7744] 1836

  • Born: 27 March 972, Orléans, France 1836
  • Christened: Orléans, Loiret, Centre-Val de Loire, France 1837
  • Marriage (1): Constance OF ARLSE [7745] on 18 September 998 1835
  • Died: 20 July 1031, Melun France at age 59 1836
  • Buried: After 20 July 1031, Seine-Saint-Denis, Île-de-France, France 1837

   Another name for Robert was Robert II Capet "the Pious" KING OF FRANCE.1837

   FamilySearch ID: 9ZZL-PZY.

  General Notes:

"Royal Ancestry: A Study in Colonial & Medieval Families," Douglas Richardson (2013):
"ROBERT II nicknamed "the Pious," King of France, 996-1031, born at Orléans about 970-974. He was named associate-king with his father in Dec. 987, and succeeded his father in 996. He married (1st) before 1 April 988 (date of charter) SUZANNE (or ROZALA) OF ITALY, widow of Arnulf (or Arnoul) II "the Young," Marquis of Flanders, Lay-abbot of Saint-Bertin [died 23 (or 30) March 987-988] [see Appendix, Line B, Gen. 8], and daughter of Berengario (or Berenger) II, King of Italy, by Willa, daughter of Boson, Count of Arles [see Appendix, Line C, Gen. 6 below for her ancestry]. They had no issue. He repudiated the marriage in 991 or 992; she died 13 Dec. 1003, and was buried in the church of the Abbey of Saint-Pierre-au-Mont-Blandin in Gand. He married (2nd) in late 996 or early 997 BERTHA OF BURGUNDY, widow of Eudes I, Count of Blois and Chartres (died 12 March 995/6), and daughter of Conrad "le Pacifique," King of Burgundy transjurane, by Mathilde (or Mahaut), daughter of Louis IV d'Outre-Mer, King of France. They had no issue. A decree against their union was issued by Pope Gregory V at the synod of Pavia in Feb. 997 on grounds of consanguinity; she died 16 January, after 1010). He married (3rd) after Sept. 1001 and before 25 August 1003 CONSTANCE OF PROVENCE, daughter of Guillaume II of Provence, Count of Arles, by Aelis (or Blanche), daughter of Foulques II "le Bon," Count of Anjou. They had four sons, Hugues II Magnus, Henri (I) [King of France], Robert I [Duke of Burgundy], and Eudes, and two daughters, Hawise (or Advisa/Hadvida/Adelaide) (wife of Renaud, Count of Nevers and Auxerrre) and Adèle (wife of Baudouin V, Count/Marquis of Flanders). ROBERT II, King of France, died Château Melun (Seine-et-Marne) 20 July 1031, and was buried in the church of the Abbey of Saint-Denis. His widow, Queen Constance, died in Château Melun (Seine-et-Marne) 25 July 1032, and was buried in the church of the Abbey of Saint-Denis.
Besly Histoire des Comtes de Poictou et Ducs de Guyenne (1647): 365, Preuves (Charter of Bourgueil dated Kal. Martij [1 March] 1028, in the "reign of King Robert in France and his kinsman, Guillaume in Aquitaine" [regnante R. Rotberto in Francia et ejus consobrino Guillelmo in Aquitania]). Anselme Hist. de la Maison Royale de France 6 (1730): 3-21 (sub Anjou). Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France 15 (1808): 177 (Constance, Queen of France [Constantia Regina] identified as daughter of Blanche, Countess of Arles [Blanca Arelatensis Comitissa], sister of Geoffrey Grisegonelle [Gaufridus Grisgonellus] in letter of Bishop Ivo dated 1100). De Smet Recueil des Chroniques de Flandre 1 (1837): 536 (Chronicorum Flandriae sub A.D. 1002: "Susanna regina, uxor Roberti Francorum regis, obiit, et in Blandinio juxta Amulphum Juniorem, Flandriae comitem, suum priorem maritum, sepelitur. Haec prius dicebatur Rozala, cum esset uxor Arnulphi; post cujus obitum, accepto Roberto rege, Susanna dicta est"). Monumenta Germaniae Historica SS III (1839): 657 (Richeri Hist. Lib. III: "Robertus rex in Aquitania ob nepotem suum Wilelmum obsidione Hildebertum premit" [In 997 King Robert besieged Hildebert in Aquitaine for the sake of his kinsman [nepos] Guillaume V, Duke of Aquitaine]. Champollion-Figeac Documents historiques inédits tirés des collections manuscrites de la Bibliotheque Royale 2 (1843): 20 (Chronicon breve ab Origine Francorum usque ad Ann. 1137: "Duxit autem uxorem Constantiam, filiam Guillelmi comitis Arelatensis, natam de Blanca, sorore Gaufridi comitis Andegavensis; ex qua genuit 4 filios, Hugonem qui cognominatus est Magnus, Henricum, Robertum, Odonem."). Monumenta Germaniae Historica SS V (1844): 19 (Annales Elnonenses Minores sub A.D. [950-968]: "Arnulfus junior uxorem duxit filiam Beregeri regis Susannam"), 19 (Annales Elnonenses Minores sub A.D. 988: "Obiit Amulfus iunior."), 19 (Annales Elnonenses Minores sub A.D. 1003: "Obiit Susanna regina."), 19 (Annales Elnonenses Minores sub A.D. 1031: "Obiit Rotbertus rex."). Poinsignon Richeri historiarum quatuor libri: Histoire de Richer en quatre livres (1855): 469 ("Sur ces entrefaites, le roi Robert, qui était dans sa dix-neuvième année, dans la fleur de la jeunesse, répudia sa femme Susanne, d'origine italienne, parce qu'elle était trop vieille pour lui."), 503 ("Le roi Robert succède à son pere, et, avec le conseil des siens, épouse Berthe ...."). Lépinois & Merlet Cartulaire de Notre-Dame de Chartres 3 (1865): 23 (Chartularium B.M. Camutensis: "XVII Kalendas Februarii [16 January] - Obiit Berta, mater Odonis comitis"), 141 (Necrologium B.M. Carnutensis: "XIII Kalendas Augusti [20 July] - Obiit Rotbertus, rex"). Wauters Table Chronologique des Chartes et Diplômes Imprimis 1 (1866): 443 (charter of Queen Susanne and her son, Baudouin, dated 1003). Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France 10 (1874): 365 (Ex Vita S. Bertulfi Abbatis Renticensis: "Post immaturam a Arnulfi Junions Marchionis mortem, cujus avus magnus exstitit Arnulfus, Balduinus filius ejus cum matte Rozala derelictus est parvulus. His enim est qui postea Prolixæ-barbæ dictus est Balduinus, cujus Principis Roberto Regi Francorum nupsit, et Susanna dicta, mutato nomine, Regina regnavit."), 569 (Monitum in Diplomata Roberti Regis: "Nondum certe Constantia Roberto nupserat mense Augusto anno 1001, quo Adalax seu Adalars Comitissa, ejus parens, Monti-majori prædia quædem in valle Ollieria seu Ollierta confert una cum filio suo Willelmo Comite et filia sua Constantia; quæ donatio facta est in mense Augusto, regnante Rodulfo Rege, Indictione XIV; quæ indictio a morte Conradi Regis patris Rodulfi primum occurrit anno 1001."). Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France 11 (1876): 276 (Ex Continuatione Aimoni: "Anno MXXXI Incarn. Dom. obiit Robertus Rex, qui dum viveret, etc."). Academy 15 (1879): 458. Birch Cat. Seals in the British Museum 5 (1898): 114 (seal of King Robert dated c. A.D. 997 - Pointed oval: the king, half-length, full-face, crowned with an open coronet of three fleurs-de-lis, or fleurons, long beard; cloak fastened over the right shoulder, falling in regular plaits over the breast. The hands lifted up from the elbow; in the right hand a short sceptre, topped with a fleur-de-lis; in the left hand an orb. Legend: + ROTBERTVS GR[AC]IA DI FRANCORV REX. This is the earliest example of the occurence of the fleur-de-lis on the seals of the Sovereigns of France.). Molinier Obituaires de la Province de Sens 1(1) (Recueil des Historiens de la France, Obituaires 1) (1902): 267 (Abbaye de Saint-Germain-des-Prés: "XIII kal. Aug. [20 July] - Obiit Rotbertus, rex Francorum [1031]."), 267 (Abbaye de Saint-Germain-des-Pres: "XI kal. Aug. [22 July] - Obiit regina Constancia [1032]"), 322 (Abbaye de Saint-Denis: "XIII kal. Aug. [20 July] - Ob. Rotbertus, venerande memorie humillimus Francorum rex [1031]"), 348 (Prieuré d'Argenteuil: "VIII kal. Aug. [25 July] - Ob. Constancia regina [1032]"). Chaume Les Origins du Duché de Bourgogne 1 (1925): 536-537 (chart). Newman Catalogue des Actes de Robert II, Roi de France (1937). Strecker Die Lateinischen Dichter des Deutschen Mittelalters (Monumenta Germaniæ Historica: Die Ottonenzeit 5(1)) (1937): 299 (Memorial of Queen Susanna). Helgaud of Fleury Vie de Robert le Pieux: Epitoma Vitae Regis Rotberti pii 1 (1965). Schwennicke Europäische Stammtafeln 2 (1984): 11 (sub France), 59. Bouchard Sword, Miter, & Cloister (1987). Winter Descs. of Charlemagne (800-1400) (1987): IX.18 & X.77. Medieval Prosopography 11 (1990): 1-15. Van Kerrebrouck Les Capétians 987-1328 (2000): 55-64. Settipanni La Noblesse du Midi carolingien (2004): 317. Tanner Fams., Friends, & Allies (2004): 310 (France ped.).
Children of King Robert II, by Constance of Provence:
i. HENRI I, King of France [see next].
ii. ADELE OF FRANCE, married BAUDOUIN V, Count/Marquis of Flanders [see Appendix, Line B, Gen. 10]."

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Coronation: on 30 December 987, in Orléans, Orléanais, France. 1837

2. Duc, de Bourgogne: between November 1005 and January 1016,. 1837

3. He worked as a Koning van Frankrijk 996-1031 on an unknown date. 1837

4. Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic, between 27 March 972 and 20 July 1031,. 1835

5. He had a residence in Orléans, Loiret, Centre-Val de Loire, France. 1835

6. Roi des Francs: between 24 October 996 and 20 July 1031,. 1835

7. Royal House: Capetian, on an unknown date,. 1835

8. Title Of Nobility: King of France, on 30 December 987, in , , , France. 1835

9. Title Of Nobility: Roi de France 996-1031 Duc de Bourgogne 1002-1031, on an unknown date,. 1835

Robert married Constance OF ARLSE [7745] [MRIN: 5737], daughter of Guillaume ER DIT LE LIBÉRATEUR D'ARLES [7750] and Adélaïde ALIX [7751], on 18 September 998.1835 (Constance OF ARLSE [7745] was born on 27 March 972 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France 1836,1838 and died on 31 July 1032 in Meulan-en-Yvelines, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France 1836,1838.)